
Lilie Printemps (Nord sur Erdre - 44)
Spectacle tout public
Piano – Guitare – Voix (Chansons revisitées)
Lilie Printemps revisite, avec la complicité d’Anthony Boulc’h les plus grands standards de la chanson et de la pop.
Fermez les yeux et redécouvrez vos morceaux préférés « comme à la maison » !
Lilie vous fera découvrir aussi quelques unes de ses compositions
d'un premier album sorti en 2016 et d'un prochain à venir.

" PIAFS ! "
Compagnie Stiven Cigalle (Nantes - 44)
Spectacle tout public à partir de 5 ans
50 min
Conférence clownesque sur l’ornithologie
Comme prévu, c'est bien d'oiseaux dont il s'agit, et notre ami Bernard Colvert, ornithologue passionné,
va tenter du mieux qu'il peut de vous faire découvrir ce monde merveilleux dont tout le monde a entendu parler
mais que peu de personnes connaissent réellement à part peut être le fait que les oiseaux ont des plumes.
Malheureusement, sa volonté de bien faire n'a d'égal que sa maladresse
et c'est un véritable parcours du combattant qu'il va devoir affronter pour mener à bien sa conférence.

A day around the Swing
With the duo Anna Stevens Sings Swing, Piano - Vocals
The singer expresses herself with pleasure and commitment in all the repertoire of the 30s to 40s.
With the talented Galaad Moutoz on the piano,
they revisit Ella Fitzgerald, Nat King Cole, Fats Waller, Sarah Vaughan, Mel Torme and all the biggest names in old jazz.
A dynamic duo close to their audience for a day full of complicity.
11 a.m.
Swing Conference
For children from 5 to 8 years old (45min)
This moment tells the story of swing, its origins, its characteristics, its instruments, the artists who marked this era.
The duo tells how it is played and how it is danced with funny, clear and illustrated explanations.
An educational and fun exchange with the spectators, for a musical dive into the 1930s
5 p.m.
Swing Dance Initiation
Also passionate about dance, Anna and Galaad offer you a discovery of swing dance (1h)
6:30 p.m.
jazz concerts
All public (1h)

An Evening Storytelling by Tata Zélie
around the Watercolors of Anne-Sophie Van Nuvel
Because imagination has no age, an evening for all ages for young and old
(Exhibition to discover from 8 p.m. then 8:30 p.m. Storytelling evening 45min approximately)
1 Watercolor / 3 Tales
The focus will be on a giant watercolor made available for the occasion.
Through the technique of improvisational theater that Elise masters, the spectators will be led to imagine 3 different stories around watercolour.
3 short tales of about 15 minutes each which can change place / time / character / ...
Depending on the feelings and the words given by the spectators themselves, the stories will be invented on the spot and shaped by Tata Zélie who will not fail to perfect her characters thanks to her marvelous trunk (Small accessories and instruments, ...)

A Choreographic Fable Around a Tree
By Company 4 in Corps (85 - La Roche sur Yon)
Contemporary dance and vertical dance
Snuggle up at the foot of a tree, taste its shade, listen to its roots, let yourself be tickled by the rustle of its foliage, tame its majestic language. And, faced with this apparent immobility that never ceases to dig into the earth and aim for the clouds, to gradually return to what binds us.
Show for all ages from 6 years old (40 min)